12 Jun Claire Roussel-Sullivan joins Royer Thompson Management & Human Resources as Senior Consultant based in New Brunswick
Halifax NS (Wednesday, June 12, 2019) – Claire Roussel-Sullivan brings 25+ years experience in all facets of human resources management including senior HR leadership roles in one of the largest energy companies in the world.
“Having lived and worked in all Maritime provinces as well as in Alberta and British Columbia, I’m delighted to return home to New Brunswick,” says Ms. Roussel-Sullivan. Over her extensive career, Ms. Roussel-Sullivan has gained a broad view of HR with expertise in areas such as strategic HR, executive compensation, employee relations, change management, training and development, recruitment, diversity, human rights and harassment. She is passionate about aligning HR with business strategy, HR analytics and building high performance teams with clear line of sight to business objectives and focus on maximizing results.
“We are very pleased to provide clients with a full range of bilingual talent management services in New Brunswick as well as across Canada,” says Kim West, President of Royer Thompson. “Drawing from her vast HR knowledge and experience, Claire is very keen to assist and coach executives, leaders, and other key individuals through leadership, change management and other HR challenges.”
Harriet Wiegert
Tel. 902-422-2099
Email: hwiegert@royerthompson.com
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